List of Versions

Version 3


  • Breaking: Introduced a loading container with a fade-out animation for smooth page transitions. This new feature enhances user experience by providing a seamless transition between pages.
  • Major: Enhanced error page handling with detailed messages and contextual information. The error pages now offer more information about the encountered issues, helping users understand and resolve problems.
  • Major: Implemented middleware to gracefully handle unauthorized access. This improvement ensures a user-friendly experience when encountering access restrictions, such as a 401 error, especially in the admin section.
  • Major: Added support for showing/hiding the password input with eye icons in the login page. This feature improves user convenience and security during the login process.
  • Minor: Styled auto-fill blanks with a custom color, changing the default yellow to a distinctive #fe5186, aligning with the overall aesthetic of the website.
  • Minor: Adjusted margins for specific design elements, fine-tuning the spacing to improve the overall visual balance of the pages.
  • Minor: Applied rounded corners to specific SVG icons, enhancing the visual appeal of these elements.


  • Minor: Added a copyright/legal page, providing users with essential legal information and improving transparency.


  • Major: Added the changelog to keep track of updates and changes made to the website.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a 500 error on /changelog, ensuring users can access the changelog page without encountering issues.


  • Major: Added borders and background to all aspects of the website, creating a cohesive and visually appealing design.
  • Major: Added the changelog to keep track of updates and changes made to the website.
  • Minor: Added a version icon for a touch of branding and visual recognition.
  • Minor: Added a copyright/legal page, providing users with essential legal information and improving transparency.
  • Minor: Added versioning for better tracking and management of updates.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a 500 error on /changelog, ensuring users can access the changelog page without encountering issues.


  • Breaking: Added an API page and endpoints, expanding the website’s functionality and allowing interaction with external applications.
  • Major: Added API Docs, providing users with comprehensive documentation on available APIs.

Version 2


  • Major: Added a Projectes page to show the current projects i have wored on or am working on
  • Major: Added a Specs page for computer speace
  • Major: Added a Bots page for for bots i host


  • Major: Changed most of the website to use Django variables {{ var_name }}, improving code consistency and maintainability.


  • Major: Added an about page, providing users with additional information about the owner.


  • Breaking: Moved the website hosting from Cloudflare to Django, ensuring better control and management.
  • Breaking: Introduced a new theme for a refreshed visual experience.

Version 1


  • Major: Switched the contact page to the home page, improving navigation and user engagement.


  • Minor: Added a glitch effect to the name for a unique visual touch.
  • Minor: Added a hover effect to the navbar, enhancing interactivity.


  • Major: Added a contact page, allowing users to get in touch easily.


  • Breaking: Created the site, marking the initial launch and introduction of the website to users.